Mobile Application
- Tech Stack: Android studio tool, Java, SQLite database
- Github URL: Project Link
Brief Instructions for using the app:
Start: Click on the application to launch the Gardening wizard app.
Plant Library: You can scroll through the comprehensive list of domestic plants. You can also add plants to your collection(wishlist) using the “Add To List” button.
Plant Profile: To view detailed information about the plant, click on its name on the homescreen.
User Profile: If you wish to edit your name and bio, you can edit them here. You can also view the plants wishlisted.
Watering Reminder: You can click the bell icon on the top right corner of the profile section. This allows you to set reminders through the default calendar.
Q&A Section: If you want to post a question then you can click on ask a question tab. If you wish to answer previously asked questions, you can enter the answer in the appropriate box and click on answer.